Tuesday 29 April 2008

Days when you just want to die

So, as a first blog this probably won't give out the best impression of me, but who cares? I am in a bad mood and just want to vent!

So first off, let me mention a bit about myself so you understand the context of this bad mood.

My name is David/Dave, I'm 22 and am currently studying at university in England.

So first off, my mum paid a cheque into my bank on Thursday.........its now Tuesday and the fucking cheque STILL hasn't cleared into my account. Now this really pisses me off because a) I have no food and have not eaten since 9:30am yesterday morning which makes me angry, b) I'm a smoker and have not been able to afford cigarrettes for the past couple of days....no tobacco=angry me.

As if those two hardships aren't enough....loads of other stuff is infuriating me today.
First of all I get a call from my friend. I press the ''Answer'' button to answer the call. Nothing happens. I mean COME ON! Why bother having a fucking 'answer' button if it's just going to decide when it does and doesn't want to work!
Then my computer starts fucking up and the podcast I was listening to just doesn't shut off when I want it to. So annoying, especially because it started to get really loud AND my phone was ringing at the same time.

I am in the process of doing some reading for an essay I am doing. I want to slap whoever wrote this book, because they are obviously trying their hardest to sound smart. I mean WHY COMPLICATE things?! Just say what you mean simply for the love of God! I'll show you what I mean:

The author writes "subcultural styles involve differential selection from within the matrix of the existent"...............?!?!?!?!?!?! WTF?!?! Why not just write "subcultures buy different things"????? Thats what you mean you FOOL!!!!

Anyway, thats my vent for today. No doubt I would have thrown myself into a river by the end of the day!


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